I have decided to start a new blog to refocuse a bit more on my main passions, hobbies and interests, that is to say hiking (of course!), cartography and DIY. This blog is meant to help me focusing and organizing my thoughts on what I like to do most. Hopefully, this will interest you as well and we will be able to share some information, opinions and ideas.
Very soon, You'll be able to find some information on OpenStreetMap (OSM) which I discovered recently and which I fell for. "How to use it, what you can do for and with it..." I find it all very interesting.
Winter is coming, and at the moment, my DIY projects are all about Vapor Barrier gears. I'll try to find a way to draw and share some patterns of socks, hoodie-shirts, liners, and pants, which I am on at the moment.
I'll also share a few shots from some recent walks. I am currently really thinking of returning to analog photography... These last few days, preparing for my upgrade to windows Seven, I was sorting the pictures on my computer and thought my analog pictures where so much more interesting than the digital ones taken recently. I guess I'll brush off the dust from my Holga and friends, put on some new batteries, load them and SHOT!
This is it for now.
Welcome here. I hope you'll enjoy.
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